The work environment can have a big impact on d/Deaf and hard of hearing employee's experience. The Access to Work Scheme can also provide workplace assessments to ensure that d/Deaf employees get the best support for their needs and that workplace barriers can be removed. 

Here are some things that we could think about to support people. 

NEXT are beginning to review their job advertisements to ensure that we are actively encouraging all aspects of diversity in the recruitment process. We actively encourage applications from all underrepresented groups into roles within NEXT.

Find out more here

BSL - British Sign Language

British Sign Language is the most common form of sign language in the UK. It was recognised as a language in its own right in 2003 and legally as an official language of Britain in 2022. 

At NEXT we have a number of d/Deaf employees who use a mixture of lip reading and sign language to communicate but as there are over 300 variations of sign language just i British Sign language alone, finding the right way to communicate with people can take some practice. There are many ways in which this can be done, a great video resource to use can be found here.