To be inclusive of all d/Deaf people, staff and customers, there are many ways to become a deaf friendly employer!!!!

Recruitment Processes

NEXT are beginning to review their job advertisements to ensure that we are actively encouraging all aspects of diversity in the recruitment process.  We actively encourage applications from all underrepresented groups into roles within Next. 

When interviewing candidates talk directly with them to find out what communication style will suit them best - we want to be clear that we want to get the best ouf of candidates and to facilitate that to provide an environment for this to happen. 

We need to move away from assuming that we know what individuals need.  There are different types of deafness and hard of hearing, and individuals within these communities will have different preferred ways of communicating. 

Organisational Learning and Development

We have skilled work coaches who are in place to support d/Deaf employees both current and prospective. We are equipped with the skills to grow our workforce from within and support our colleagues to thrive. 

Find Communication That Works

People within the d/Deaf and hard of hearing community will have different communication needs. Let's take the time to educate ourselves about the different communication methods out there...these may include

Eligible employees are entitled to practical support in the workplace through Access to Work. This could include a grant to improve communication methods for d/Deaf people including interpreters. Learning how to communicate with d/Deaf people in the workplace will enable all to grow, develop and thrive.