These are direct quotes from our Project Search Interns about their experiences in the workplace regarding very important adjustments that would make a huge difference to them and a positive experience for everyone. Understanding these workplace adjustments and implementing them will enable neurodivergent people to perform better which will benefit them and our business. 

'Give me regular feedback and ask me how I would prefer that feedback to be delivered'. 

'Give me clear tasks and structure'. What am I doing? Why am I doing it? What do you want the result to be? When by? A sense of purpose can make boring tasks more interesting. 

'Get to know me'. The more you understand about your employee and the more you adapt to their needs, the better they will perform. 'Accept me for who I am'. 

'Make the time and space to think about how we can work together'. 

'Give me a chance to ask questions and give me clear answers'. 

'Explain the unwritten rules...tell me about the culture or the protocols, for example when I should have my lunch'. 

'Provide a buddy or mentor, someone I can talk to openly, who understands'. 

'Be consistent. If you say you will do something do it...for example email me back'. 

'Provide a thorough induction or support plan. Help me get to know the building; where I might sit; who I will work with; what to expect and different staff roles. 

'Find out from me if I would like my colleagues to know about my condition'. 

'Ask how I like to work. For example I might work best in a quite room or with headphones on'. 

'Be open to flexible working so that I can miss rush hour traffic, catch my bus on time or work in a different way'. 

'Don't stereotype me...don't assume you know my traits'. 

'Be open to making reasonable adjustments to help support me...but don't isolate me...I want to be part of the team'. 

'If in not be scared to ask me'.