Know Me To Understand Me - Supporting Employees In Work

Next is growing at an exponential rate, and as such to manage the labour shortage, the talent pipeline needs to expand to look at a more diverse range of people. Some of the challenges around that include managing a multi-generational workforce, young people who potentially are not prepared or have the right skills for the workplace, as well as many who need to integrate back into work after long periods away.  How as line managers do we manage this to ensure that staff feel like they belong and are included, as well as ensuring that they also understand the obligations of work. This guidance document will give ideas on how to manage different expectations, motivate, develop and retain the best talent from each generation. 

The Landscape Of Work

For the first time ever, today’s workforce comprises many different generations - aged from 16 to 70+, all under one roof working together. Whilst multigenerational workforces are not a new phenomena, the gaps between the generations, and expectations have never been wider. 

How To Motivate, Develop, And Retain The Best Talent

To get our people working together more effectively and taking into account the diversity within our workforce, we need to understand what motivates them and how to harness that. Below gives some ideas on how to do this.

Best Work Traits


Enjoys Mentoring

Strong Work Ethic

Best Work Traits



Strong Communicator

Best Work Traits

Tech Savvy


Greater Good

Best Work Traits

Digitally Fluent 


Needs Diversity

What Do Staff Want From Work

How To Motivate Staff

How To Gain Staff Loyalty

Considering or taking into account the different ways of thinking, work culture and expectations of your staff, should help form better competitive teams who work as a collective rather than in isolation. Use some or all of the different ways each group trait and start to get to know how as Next we can take it on.