Project Search Profiles

Project Search has operated within Next for some time now, however over the last 2 years, educational establishments have struggled to recruit interns due to COVID 19 as they have not has the opportunity to become employment ready. Despite this, in 2022 we have managed to re introduce the scheme back into Dearne Valley Box with six interns and open up a new scheme at our Regional Service Centre Redhouse. 

Dearne Valley Box

The journey started in May when NEXT attended a parents open day with our educational partner Doncaster College. This gave us the opportunity to talk about the project, learn about the students, and give parents the confidence to choose NEXT as a potential organisation that their child could gain valuable skills ande experience with. 

Following a further recruitment day, our interns began their journey with NEXT in late September with their fantastic coach Sarah Bedford. 

So what do we know about our interns...

This week we get to meet Tia!! Tia is an excellent drawer, her attention to detail, creativity and dedication are the quaities that NEXT need within potential staff members. Tia uses her drawings to help calm down when she struggles with sensory overload. In the beginning, Tia was unsure about whether she would like her time with NEXT but with some coaching and encouragement from Mum, she has really come out of her shell and sees a real future working for us which she hasn't felt before. 

Rehouse is new for Project Search and NEXT this year, but seen as an opportunity to integrate interns into a new site and a new area of the business. We currently have one intern so far, with a view to recruiting more after Christmas. Jack is working hard alongside workcoach Hanif, learning different areas of the business each week. Have you checked out the weekly see how Jack is doing.